TMVOA Vacant Lodging Seat - Nominations Wanted

Dear Lodging Members,

The Telluride Mountain Village Owners Association (TMVOA) currently has a vacant Board of Directors seat for the Lodging Class (Class B) membership, as there were no applicants or nominations during our last open election. In order to fill this important Board seat so that the Lodging membership has representation and input on association matters, the Board is asking for interested lodging members to submit a letter of interest and resume. After thorough review of all applicants and nominees, the TMVOA Board will appoint the new Director who will serve through the 2-year conclusion of the vacated seat (2016-2017).

This Board seat is open to all owners of property that is classified as “Lodging” or all lessees who lease and operate a Lodge Site, if so designated by the owner of a Lodge Site. The class of membership in TMVOA is determined by the underlying zoning of each property in accordance with the Town of Mountain Village zoning designations. “Lodging Sites” are only those real properties that are zoned as: (i) Hotel; (ii) Hotel Efficiency; (iii) Lodge; or (iv) Efficiency Lodge. You are receiving this letter because the TMVOA records show that you own a “Lodging Site.” If you are not sure how your property is zoned, please feel free to contact the TMVOA offices at 970-728-1904, ext 7.

If you are interested in serving on the TMVOA Board in the Lodging Seat, please submit a letter of interest and resume for yourself, the address and/or legal description of the Lodging Site that you own or a letter of delegation if you intend to nominate a lessee who leases and operates a Lodge Site that you own. All application letters must be received by 5:00 p.m. March 4, 2016. Please email all letters to

Posted on Feb 12, 2016

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