Dear TMVOA Members,
As the situation with Covid-19 continues to evolve, it’s important to have contact information of local resources and be signed-up to receive updates as they become available. We are closely monitoring local and regional matters and will communicate important items to our membership, but also want to ensure members have the following resource information.
San Miguel County
The County is routinely sending out emails and updating their website, including: FAQ’s, Public Health Orders and News Releases on their Covid-19 information page.
Second Homeowners – The SMC Public Health Dept issued a letter regarding the current shelter-in-place order, including 2nd homeowners and non-residents who may plan to travel or stay in SMC.
SMC Hotline: 970-728-3844
Town of Mountain Village
If you have not already signed up to receive emails from the Town, you can access links below and subscribe only to those items that are important to you.
Garbage & Recycling Services – Bruin Waste Management is continuing pick-up and will maintain all current scheduling BUT has suspended the sorting of recyclables at their facility (at this time). As such, they are asking that all waste, including recycle items be bagged. The only exception is cardboard, that needs to simply be broken down, but not bagged.
Town Website:
Police Dept: 970-728-9281
Ready Op Notifications – text messages and/or emails sent out in cases of outages, emergencies, etc.
Register at:
Email Subscription – receive newsletters, mayor’s minute, and other news from the Town.
Subscribe at:
Telluride Medical Center
You can receive email updates from the medical center by simply visiting their website and signing-up (very bottom of webpage on right side).
· For non-medical questions about the San Miguel County Coronavirus response, please call 970-728-3844.
· If you require non-urgent medical attention, please call 970-728-3848.
TMC Website:
Anton Benitez, President & CEO
Telluride Mountain Village Owners Association
Posted on Mar 30, 2020