In 2018, in an effort to implement the existing Village Center Comprehensive Plan values and actions, provide recommendations to Town Council regarding Comprehensive Plan or Community Development Code amendments, promote and enhance vibrancy, and address-term infrastructure, management of future build out and optimal use of the Village Center Subarea (VCS), the Telluride Mountain Village Owners Association, Town of Mountain Village, and Telluride Ski and Golf, which represent the three major land owners, entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to define and engage in a process to determine the most appropriate uses for this subarea. The subarea is an important location encompassing Heritage Plaza, Sunset Plaza and the Village Pond plazas including adjacent parcels and properties.
For the first phase of the project, an oversight committee made up of representatives from each of the organizations was put together, with the committee contracting with AECOM, a firm specializing in land planning and design, to conduct a multifaceted project to gain alignment with stakeholders, compile and update existing conditions, define and identify data gaps, evaluate village center vibrancy and amend the CDC to conform with vibrancy and design.
After the March 2018 presentation, review and approval of the Village Center Subarea MOU, AECOM observed the Village Center on a series of weekdays and a weekend during the ski season, held a series of public meetings and interviews and clarified the scope for Village Center efforts with these priority items that serve as the “spine of the overall VCS plan” – wifi upgrades, regulation of trash and delivery routes, exploring pop-up retail installations, lighting improvements to the plazas, a common consumption area and increased vibrancy with outdoor speakers.
As of January 2020, all of the above items have been completed and the Common Consumption Area has been expanded into the Village Pond Plaza (see map). All improvements have been very well-received by residents and guests.
Please check back often for updates and don’t hesitate to email us with questions and comments.