Dear Members,
Following through on TMVOA’s commitment to expanded communications to keep members informed and updated on important topics in our community and region, this communication provides updates on Lot 161C-R, Single Family Lot Subdivisions, Medical Center and Regional Transportation Authority.
Additionally, we want to make sure these communications are easy to read and are formatted in a way that allows you to scan subjects quickly and go to the ones that most interest you or that you want more information about. To accomplish this, subject titles are in bold, followed by a succinct update and information (i.e. news story layout), instead of just one long communication piece. It is our intention to supplement future communications with links to documents that contain more detailed information pertaining to the various topics.
We hope this format is beneficial – so please let us know your thoughts. Your input is valued and appreciated so that we can make sure we are achieving our communications goal in both form and content. If there are topics you believe should be communicated to the TMVOA membership, please contact TMVOA staff.
TMVOA Invests in the Future of Mountain Village: Progress Update on Pre-Development Plan for Lot 161C-R
This past September 2015, TMVOA announced that it had made one of the most important investments in the future of Mountain Village: the acquisition of Lot 161C-R. The acquisition of this 2.8-acre site, adjacent to the gondola station in the heart of the Mountain Village Core, is one of the most significant and impactful investments in our community since Ron Allred finalized the development deal for The Peaks Resort (known as the Doral at that time). TMVOA acquired Lot 161C-R to ensure the future development of a world class resort hotel in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Mountain Village Comprehensive Plan to solidify the high quality completion of the Village Core.
Prior to the acquisition, TMVOA conducted a formal appraisal of Lot 161C-R and its associated density, along with two lots in the Ridge subdivision (which was a requirement by the seller), and the appraisal valued the package at $9,985,000. More specifically, Lot 161C-R and its density was valued at $9,285,000, with the two Ridge lots valued at $700,000. TMVOA acquired the entire package for a price of $8,100,000.
In recent months, TMVOA has been evaluating the development potential of Lot 161C-R in the context of the Comprehensive Plan and Village Core in general. Discussion is also underway regarding the best process and form to incorporate TMVOA members and the Town of Mountain Village in the evaluation and planning for Lot 161C-R. TMVOA has not listed Lot 161C-R or contacted potential developers, however, TMVOA has recently received numerous unsolicited inquiries and interest from developers regarding this premier parcel.
At this time, TMVOA is prioritizing the evaluation and process for development of a detailed plan for Lot 161C-R, which will include an open and collaborative process with our membership and the Town of Mountain Village, prior to entering into an agreement with a developer. The TMVOA board and staff are very excited about this opportunity as this project is of critical importance to Mountain Village’s future. We will continue to keep you updated on this important project.
Moratorium on Subdivision of Single Family Lots: Update from June 16th MV Town Council Meeting
During last month’s Mountain Village Town Council Meeting, council members discussed ways to refine and clarify language in the Community Development Code (CDC), with the aim of protecting the character and density of single-family lot neighborhoods. After much discussion there appeared to be general consensus on a number of points, with council providing direction to staff to draft an amendment to the CDC for later review by the Design Review Board (DRB) and Town Council during July meetings. Key points include:
~Only lots 6 acres or larger would be eligible for subdivision and may only be divided into two single-family lots, each of which must be a minimum of 3 acres (According to discussion, 20 MV lots, at most, would be eligible for such a spilt)
~Creation of a new single-family planned unit development (SFPUD) process, with a written noticing requirement to property owners within 1,500 feet of properties that are the subject of such applications (Currently Town rules require property owner noticing within 400 feet)
~Single family zoned lots may only be rezoned to Passive Open Space or the new single-family PUD district
~Eliminating the subjective “exceptional” test as a condition for rezoning
~Would require a public benefit provided as consideration of a lot split
Next steps will be DRB review and recommendations. If the DRB recommends approval of the proposed CDC amendments, Council will consider the first reading of an ordinance to amend the CDC accordingly at the July Town Council meeting. The town’s next DRB and Town Council meetings are:
DRB – July 7
Town Council – July 21, August 18
Agenda Item #10; Single Family Lots (6/16/16 Town Council Meeting Packet)
Telluride Regional Medical Center: New 40,000 sq ft Facility Envisioned for Site in Mountain Village
TMVOA is in the process of developing an informational document on the proposed facility to be located in Mountain Village in the Town Hall subarea (behind the market and adjacent to the gondola parking garage). TMVOA is getting information directly from the Telluride Hospital District (THD), the Town of Mountain Village and numerous other sources for this consolidated update, which is designed to inform and educate our members on the facility.
TMVOA has had conversations with John Gardner, the new CEO of the Telluride Hospital District. John started his new role last month, leaving his previous position as CEO at Yuma District Hospital in Yuma, Colorado.
In the meantime, below are links to additional information about the Telluride Medical Center and the proposed facility.
Link to Telluride Medical Center
Link to Telluride Daily Planet_061816 Article
Link to Town of Mountain Village_042116 Release
San Miguel Authority for Regional Transportation: Update from June 16th MV Town Council Meeting
The three government agencies (Town of Mountain Village, Town of Telluride, and San Miguel County) are one step closer to getting a Regional Transportation Authority measure on this year’s November ballot. At the June Town Council Meeting, a public hearing of the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) governing the San Miguel Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) was held for the purpose of receiving public comment. This meeting represented the first of two public hearings to receive public comment, as is required by Colorado statutes.
Language in the proposed IGA ballot questions calls for 1. formation of the SMART, and 2. funding of the SMART with a combination of a 0.25% sales tax (1 cent on every four dollars) and a 0.75 mill levy property tax (~$6 per $100,000 of assessed property value). SMART will be formed only if voters of each municipality and the unincorporated areas of the County lying within the proposed boundaries of the SMART approve both its formation and funding. Of key importance is that registered Mountain Village nonresident property owners are eligible to vote on the ballot measure authorizing funding of the SMART. Residents are eligible to vote on both the formation and funding ballot measures.
Government officials are hopeful that increased collaboration between the three governmental entities will lead to improved results in receiving state and federal grant and funding for regional projects.
Agenda Item #8; IGA (6/16/16 Town Council Meeting Packet)
Posted on July 15, 2016 in Archived CEO Blogs