TMV Election, SMPA Election, Telluride Apts, Bell Tower, Town Hall Subarea Plan

Mountain Village Town Council Election
The June 27 election to elect three new Council members will include a ballot of ten candidates. The deadline to register is Friday, May 26 (in-person) and Monday, May 29 (online). Ballots will be mailed to registered voters June 5-12.

Register – Residents can register online here. Second homeowners / Property Owners can register here (to vote your property must be held in your individual name and not a trust or held by a company).

For information on the candidates, link to:
Telluride Daily Planet Article (5/17)
TMV Website – Meet the Candidates

San Miguel Power Association Election
SMPA is having an election for its Board of Directors, which includes the District 5 seat that incorporates Mountain Village. Ballots were mailed this week to all members who receive electric service, with ballots needing to be returned by the June 8 Annual Meeting in Ridgway, CO.

For information, link to:
Director Candidate Profiles
SMPA Website – News

Neighborhood Meeting on Telluride Apartments Renovation
Telski is holding an informal neighborhood meeting on May 24 at 5:45pm at the Telluride Apartments (TA) to discuss the plan and answer questions about the renovation. The TA is located at 306 Adams Ranch Road in the Meadows. The project (titled Meadows Mountainview) is scheduled for DRB hearing on Jun 1.

For information, link to:
Flyer for 5/24 Meeting
TMV Website – Lot 640A DRB App

Madeline Bell Tower Testing – Weekdays at Noon
There will be testing of a digital carillon system in the Madeline Bell tower weekdays for five minutes at noon from May 22 to June 2. If it’s decided to keep the trial system, it will have the capability of playing a variety of chimes pre-programmed for specific times of the day and can be remotely controlled for special programming opportunities.

If you are in the area, please listen-in and let us know what you think.

Town Hall Subarea Plan
This week’s Mountain Village Town Council meeting included a work-session on the proposed Plan for the Town Hall Subarea (THS). The plan is the result of 15-months of work, which included several public work-sessions, meetings with the THS committee and consultants from AECOM (the design firm on the project).
The proposed plan received positive feedback from Council members, along with a few recommendations related to Village Court Apartments. Town Council is expected to review the plan again at their June 20 meeting to vote on the final 3-5-page summary that would be an amendment to the current Comprehensive Plan for the THS.

View materials from 5/18 Town Council Meeting