Telluride Ski Resort, MV Property Tax Reduction, Tax Season

Telluride Ski Resort – In the News
Over the past few weeks, the Telluride Ski Resort was highlighted on Good Morning Texas with a live broadcast from the St. Sophia Station and a longer featured story just this past Friday (3/2). Just in case you missed the coverage, here are links to the stories.

3/2 Featured story on Good Morning Texas

2/23 Live Broadcast – Good Morning Texas

With this level of coverage, it’s not surprising a large percentage of our visitors are from Texas. Interestingly, Texas represents the largest percentage of all MV residential property owners at 24%. The second highest state only represents 7%, which is California.

MV Property Tax Reduction
Expect to see a reduction in your MV property tax as a result of the town paying off debt related to the Conference Center, Heritage Parking Garage and the Water & Sewer bond. Residential homeowners can expect a reduction of approximately $800 per $1 million in actual property value.

The town routinely sends email communications on this and other important matters. If you’ve missed any of these emails, below are links to the Mayor’s Minute for the past few months.

Feb 2018

Jan 2018

Dec 2017 – Budget Edition

Dec 2017

Tax Season
At the TMVOA Annual Members Meeting (12/27/17), some members asked how the newly passed tax laws may affect Mountain Village property owners, prospective future buyers and the corresponding real estate transfer assessment (RETA) that TMVOA receives. At this time, year to date income from RETA is tracking closely to the approved budget.

To help shed some light on the changes, TMVOA is providing members with a summary of the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” prepared by TMVOA’s CPAs Haynie & Company. This summary is informational only and is not intended as tax advice.