Subarea Initiatives & Planning

Subarea Initiatives & Planning
At last Thursday’s MV Town Council meeting, there were several updates related to planning initiatives for the Town Hall and Village Center subareas.

As a reminder, in 2016 the Town of MV, TMVOA, and TSG in a collaborative effort formed a committee to carefully evaluate and engage a public process to determine the most appropriate uses for the Town Hall Subarea (THS). In June 2017, after an 18-month effort that included several public work-sessions, Town Council unanimously approved an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to replace the THS chapter. View the amended THS chapter. View entire MV Comprehensive plan.

At Thursday’s Council meeting (3/15), Council heard from committee members and consultants from AECOM on next-step planning for key elements of the approved THS plan that are aligned with community feedback and will enable and/or promote future development phasing. Specifically, 4 priority items serve as the “spine of the overall THS plan”: Roundabout, Roadway Consolidation, Elk Lake & Park, and School Bus Stop. During this year, surveying, civil engineering, and planning will take place to better understand costs and implementation planning. Stay tuned – the committee will be employing several communication methods to keep you updated (i.e. email, website, slide-sets, newspaper).

Additionally, Council was updated on the committee’s planning efforts for the Village Center Subarea (VCS), often called the MV Core. In the second half of 2017, the committee began discussing the VCS and ways to implement the existing Comp Plan actions for this subarea. The committee updated Council in October 2017 and identified 3 categories to help organize focus and objectives: Vibrancy & Activation, Infrastructure, and Undeveloped Parcels.

During the past few months, the committee further discussed the implementation of principals, policies and actions, with attention to land use values and vision statements in the 2011 Comp Plan. This resulted in a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that Council considered at Thursday’s meeting. After thorough discussion, Council approved the MOU. Stay tuned – the committee will be sending out more detail on the public process once a schedule is complete.

Below are links to Council materials and coverage in the Telluride Daily Planet:

3/15 Town Council Materials

Subarea Memos & MOU

AECOM Update

Village Court Apartments

3/18 Telluride Daily Planet article – Sub-area plans progressing