Public Health Order | Doing-Our-Part | Local Business Grants

Public Health Order
Today San Miguel County issued a press release announcing a new public health order that will become effective midnight MST this Thursday, Nov 26. This order will move the county from level orange to level red and will include restrictions and mitigation efforts that are critical to containing spread and limiting strain on regional hospital capacity.

Some of the restrictions include:

Lodging – will be reduced to 50% maximum daily capacity limited to a single household per lodging unit.

Restaurants & Bars – outdoor service is permitted with 6-ft social distance between parties; curbside takeout and to-go will be allowed, including takeout beverages in the common consumption Mountain Village plazas. No indoor service.

Retail – limited to 50% capacity.

Gatherings & Events – indoor personal gatherings and events are not allowed.

Offices – should move to remote work where possible; if office attendance is essential, capacity limited to 10% with masks required.

For the latest up-to-date Covid-19 information from the County, visit their website or you can view their Dashboard of metrics.

With Thanksgiving and the ski resort opening in only a few days, it is more important than ever for everyone to act as an Ambassador for our community by following and sharing the 5 Commitments of Containment and limiting indoor socializing to only members of your immediate household.

Our Village – Stronger Together. It is critical that we all do our part to keep our community safe, our economy open, and the ski resort open for everyone to enjoy. Read a unified letter from our San Miguel regional partners.

Local Business Grants
The State of Colorado recently approved $3 million in Coronavirus Relief Funding for San Miguel County to establish a one-time grant program to help qualified county-based businesses severely disrupted by the pandemic.

Due to the limited funds, the program’s goal is to assist businesses who had few or no opportunities to adapt under the state and local public health orders. The deadline for businesses to apply is Monday, Nov 30 at 5 p.m.

SMC Grant Program