Participate in Local Affairs
We’ve heard from our members that you want to participate and become more involved in local matters that impact the community. TMVOA will keep you updated on ways you can become involved, including opportunities to serve on local boards and committees.
Whether you’re a full-time resident or a second-homeowner / property owner, one easy way to be involved is simply by voting in Mountain Village town elections. The next town election is in June, so take a few moments to make sure you are registered to vote in Mountain Village.
Residents – In only 20 seconds, check your registration status here to vote in municipal, county, and state elections. If you are not already registered, you can conveniently register online here.
Second Homeowners / Property Owners – MV is unique in that non-resident property owners are eligible to vote in town elections. To vote, your property must be held in your individual name and not a trust or held by a company. In less than three minutes, you can register to vote in MV Town elections here.
For more information about voter registration requirements in the Town of Mountain Village, visit the Town’s website here or contact the Town Clerk at 970-369-6406.
SMART Transit Board Seeking Community Involvement
The San Miguel Authority for Regional Transportation, SMART, is forming an advisory committee of community members to advise the board on service needs, infrastructure planning, regional trails, and transit projects. This committee will be instrumental in creating a regional transportation authority that best serves our community needs.
Visit for more information and an application. Preliminary deadline for applications is March 8.
Open House for Town Hall Subarea Plan
Come view the plans for the Mountain Village Town Hall Subarea on Monday, March 13 from 1-7pm at Town Hall. Consultants from AECOM (the design firm on the project) will be available to review the public process and answer questions. Special thanks to the community members who participated in the public workshops and provided feedback for the final plan.
For more information about this project, please visit
Posted on February 28, 2017 in Archived CEO Blogs