Moratorium on Subdivision of Single-Family Lots: Update from July 21st MV Town Council Meeting
During last month’s Town Council meeting, Council considered recommendations from the Design Review Board (DRB) that subdivision of single-family lots should not be allowed in Mountain Village, as well as a proposed amendment to the Community Development Code (CDC) that would have allowed for limited subdivision of single-family lots.
In a vote of 5-to-1, Council voted against the proposed amendment allowing for limited subdivision and instead provided guidance to staff to draft a new amendment to the CDC that would prohibit subdivision of single-family lots. Council is expected to consider the first reading of this proposed amendment to the CDC at their August meeting, with the second reading then expected in September.
Council then voted to extend the moratorium until November 1st, allowing sufficient time for staff and Council to draft the new amendment and for two public readings by Council.
The Board of the TMVOA endorses the position of the DRB and Town of Mountain Village Town Council, as voted at their most recent meetings, to prohibit the subdivision of single-family residential lots. TMVOA sent a letter to DRB and Town Council supporting their decision and look forward to the passing of an amendment to the CDC prohibiting subdivision of single-family lots. Link to TMVOA letter.
The next Town Council meetings are August 18 and September 22.
San Miguel Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART): Update from July 21st MV Town Council Meeting
The three government agencies (Town of Mountain Village, Town of Telluride and San Miguel County) are one step closer to placing a Regional Transportation Authority measure on this year’s November ballot. At the July Town Council meeting, a public hearing of the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) governing the SMART was held. This meeting represented the second of two public hearings to receive public comment, as is required by Colorado statutes.
Funding of the SMART is proposed through a combination of a 0.25% sales tax (1 cent on every four dollars) and a 0.75 mill levy property tax (~$6 per $100,000 of assessed property value). SMART will be formed only if voters of each municipality and the unincorporated areas of the county lying within the proposed boundaries of the SMART approve both its formation and funding. Registered Mountain Village nonresident property owners are eligible to vote on the ballot measure authorizing funding of the SMART. Residents are eligible to vote on both the formation and funding ballot measures. State statute governs who is eligible to vote on the formation and funding questions and Mountain Village is required to operate within those statutes.
Each jurisdiction must certify the ballot language and submit it to the San Miguel County Clerk no later than September 9th in order to be placed on the ballot for the November 8th election. The Town of Mountain Village will review and consider certifying the ballot language at its August 18th Town Council meeting. Government officials are hopeful that increased collaboration between the three governmental entities will lead to improved results in receiving state and federal grant funding for regional projects.
A subcommittee of officials representing the three local governments will be drafting a Frequently Asked Questions document.
Posted on August 1, 2016 in Archived CEO Blogs