Market, Northlight, Settlement Term Sheet Reached with Ridge, Fire Restrictions

Market in Mountain Village
As previously communicated in our 5/16 email, TMVOA is committed to improving the market in Market Mountain Village. The TMVOA board unanimously decided to pursue legal action against the market as a result of the market’s continued failure to meet pricing and other service level items in the lease.

The court has set a trial to take place on Sept 11-13, 2018. TMVOA understands the importance of having a high-quality market in Mountain Village for residents and guests to buy their groceries and general supplies, and TMVOA is committed to ensuring that the market operator provides the highest level of service and competitive prices that our community demands.

5/18 Telluride Daily Planet – Market’s price tags, quality of food questioned
5/16 communication to TMVOA members

Northlight Update
On May 31, a Special Town Council meeting was held to consider an amendment to extend the Standstill Agreement between the Town and Northlight (owners of Lots 126R & 152R). Due to extensive public comment, the landowner requested the deadline to submit a new PUD application be extended to Sept 14, 2018, to consider the feedback received and further evaluate their alternative development plan. Town Council approved the extension, and in their communication stated that the speed in which the application is filed is not as important as having plenty of opportunity for dialog, reflection, and refinement.

More information about the history of this proposed project:
Mayor’s Minute Rosewood Update (6/4/18)
Lots 126R and 152R Rosewood Land and Density Analysis (updated 6/4/18)
Mayor’s Minute Rosewood Edition
Northlight Open House Plan Set
Northlight Open House Presentation

Settlement Term Sheet Reached with Ridge
On Sept 9, 2015, TMVOA acquired 100% of the Membership Interests in CO Lot 161C-R Mountain Village LLC, which holds title to Lot 161C-R, a 2.8-acre site located in the heart of the Mountain Village Core adjacent to the gondola transfer stations. This acquisition was undertaken by TMVOA in order to ensure that Lot 161C-R is developed in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Mountain Village Comprehensive Plan and Mountain Village property owners.

In August 2017, the TMVOA Board approved an operating agreement for CO Lot 161C-R Mountain Village, LLC. The operating agreement governs the decision-making process with regards to matters pertaining to Lot 161C-R and established a three-person Board of Managers, currently filled by Jim Royer, Tim Kunda and David Mehl. In order to avoid conflicts of interest, TSG Board Members are recused from decision making regarding Lot 161C-R.

In Sept 2017, the Board of Managers for Lot 161C-R, along with designated representatives from The Ridge HOA, The Ridge Club, and the Town of Mountain Village engaged in good faith mediation aimed at resolving the litigation involving claims related to Ridge parking and Lot 161C-R. The litigation was stayed in order to provide the parties the opportunity to further settlement discussions.

As a result of months of direct negotiations, a settlement term sheet was executed in April 2018, which provides the terms for a global settlement agreement among all parties to fully resolve and dismiss the litigation. The term sheet provides for the purchase of adequate vehicle parking for the Ridge on Lot 161C-R which will allow the Ridge Development to be a successful project in Mountain Village and does not unreasonably encumber Lot 161C-R so that it can be developed to benefit the entire community. As for next steps, the parties are in the process of finalizing the global settlement agreement which will bring the litigation to a close by the end of 2018.

TMVOA has been actively engaged in the Village Center Subarea planning process, which is sponsored by TMVOA, the Town, and TSG. Lot 161C-R will be a component of this planning process and will provide TMVOA members and the public the initial public platform for evaluating the best uses for Lot 161C-R for the benefit of the TMVOA membership and community. The planning process will be seeking community input this summer through public meetings conducted by professional planners. The schedule for the public meetings will be available soon and TMVOA and the Town will have future communications on this joint planning program.

Fire Restrictions – Stage 2 Continues
Due to exceptional drought conditions and fire danger in the region, Town Council approved a motion yesterday to continue to remain under Stage 2 Fire Restrictions (read press release). The ordinance includes a ban on open fires and fireworks and restricting smoking within the Town.