Lot 30 Open House, Ballot Issue 1A

TOMORROW: Lot 30, Parcel M – Open House
The Town is holding an open house to discuss and gather public input on a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Lot 30, Parcel M on Thurs., Oct 12, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Town Hall. The site is located across the street from the Granita Building and adjacent to the Aspen Ridge development.

Public input is a key component of any comprehensive plan and comprehensive plan amendment. Town Council will consider the comprehensive plan amendment at their Nov 16 regular meeting.
For additional information or to provide public comment, please contact Planning and Development Services Director, Michelle Haynes at 970.239.4061 or .

Lot 30, Parcel M – Open House Presentation

Lot 30, Parcel M (8/17 Council Packet)

Ballot Issue 1A
San Miguel County recently sent out a notice of election on Ballot Issue 1A that will be on the Nov 7, 2017 ballot. The measure calls for a proposed tax increase of $616,890 annually through a 0.75 mill levy property tax ($5.40 per $100,000 of appraised value).

The proposed increase in tax funds would be for the purpose of improving availability, quality, and affordability of early childhood education and care in San Miguel County. For more information, see link below.

To vote on Issue 1A, you must be a registered voter of San Miguel County. Non-resident property owners are not eligible to vote on this measure. Ballots will be mailed to registered voters on Oct 20.

San Miguel County – Notice of Election (Ballot Issue 1A)