3 Days to Vote | Annual Meeting |!!! Dial-a-Ride !!!| Market | 2020 Budget & Assessments

ONLY 3 Days Left to Vote in TMVOA Election
The TMVOA election will close this Friday (12/6) at 5pm MST. Electronic ballots were emailed on 11/13 to eligible Residential and Lodging members. If you have any questions or did not receive your ballot, please contact Heidi Stenhammer at 970-728-1904 ext 3 or .

View election notice & FAQ’s here
Residential Candidates(Class A)
Lodging Candidate (Class B)

TMVOA Annual Members Meeting: 12/18
On Wed, 12/18 at 4pm, TMVOA will host its Annual Members Meeting. The meeting will be at MV Town Hall, 2nd floor. The election results for one residential seat and one lodging seat will be announced, followed by a presentation on the state of the association. If you are unable to attend in-person, you can watch the meeting on our website via livestream.

IMPORTANT: Dial-a-Ride
It’s very important that you get your unique owner code and download the new Dial-a-Ride App BEFORE you need to use this member benefit. To use Dial-a-Ride, you must have your unique user code. If you do not have your code or have not set up your app account, please follow these steps.

1. Get your code that we previously emailed to you (email was from ). If you cannot locate this email, contact Heidi Stenhammer at (please include your name and address of the property you own).
2. Download the Mountain Village DAR app on your iPhone or Android phone.
3. Enter your unique owner code in the app to confirm and set-up your account.
For more information about our new app and its functions, visit the TMVOA website here.

Village Market – Picture Update
On 11/22, we sent out the first picture update highlighting the renovation progress and the evolution of our new grocery market and Town Hall building exterior. In this second picture update, you can begin to see the addition (600 sq ft) taking shape and the backfilling of floor cuts for drainage, electrical and data lines.

TMVOA 2020 Budget & Member Assessments
On 11/13, TMVOA held its Annual Members Budget Meeting to review the 2020 proposed budget and receive member input. If you were not able to attend or watch the meeting, you can watch a video recording of the meeting here.

As part of the 2020 budget process, member assessments were evaluated (similarly to that of last year). As a reminder, assessments were unchanged for 16-years (2002-2018) and were increased in 2019 in order to more closely track with historical inflation rates (CPI). For assessment rates to arrive close to, but still remain below historical inflation rates since 2002, assessment rates for 2020 for all member classes, with the exception of lodge units, have been increased by 13% (see historical graph). This increase represents a $6.50 monthly increase for single family residential members for a $78 total increase for the year. For lodge units, annual assessment rates are now equal to that of a condominium ($678/yr).

View historical member assessments (1993 to present) and 2020 rates for all member classes.
2020 Annual Member’s Budget Presentation
2020 Approved Budget