Dial-A-Ride service is provided and paid for by Telluride Mountain Village Owners Association (“TMVOA”). The service is currently contracted by TMVOA through Telluride Express, a division of Destination Systems, LLC. The purpose is to provide point to point transportation within Mountain Village to all residents and guests of Mountain Village with a valid residential address and unique access code.
Once you are provided your unique access code via email and/or mail, download the Mountain Village DAR app on your iPhone or Android phone and request a ride with the tap of a button. You may also schedule a ride by calling dispatch at 970-728-8888 and providing your unique access code. However, using the app will give you the ability to do things like view your wait time and track your driver's progress right to your front door!
Click here for hours of operation.
More details below.

App Information:
Access Codes
Each owner (Residential Class A) has a unique Access Code to use to set up the app. This access code was provided via email to the billing email address on file. If you can not find your access code, please email and request it. Instead of using your Mountain Village residential property address as the identifier when requesting a ride, you’ll use your unique Access Code. This will provide more security and better tracking of ride counts. You can even view your ride history and ride count in real-time broken down by owner and guest access codes!
If you’d like to allow someone else to take a ride on your account, like a friend or a renter, you can provide them with your Guest Code or create an additional, unique Guest Code that can be created and disabled at any time through the app (details below). While the user will only need to enter the unique Access Code once when setting up the app, the user will need to provide the Access Code every time a ride is requested via a phone call to dispatch.
How to Download & Set Up the App
- Search Mountain Village DAR in your app store and download the free app
- Open the app and tap the Create Account button
- Fill out your personal info, choose a password and enter your access code
- Tap Create Account
Don’t worry, you’ll only have to do this once!
How to Request a Ride via the app
- Enter your pickup, drop-off and number of passengers
- Your estimated wait time will appear on the Request Ride button
- Tap the Request Ride button
That’s it! You’ll be able to view your wait time and track your driver once they’re on the way to your pickup location.
How to View Your Ride Count via the app
- Tap the More tab
- Tap My Profile
- Tap Manage Access Code
- View your ride count to date / total rides
Each property with a valid address has a limit of 200 complimentary rides for a combined winter and summer season. Your percent ownership of the property applies to the complimentary ride limit. If you own 100% of the property, you have 200 complimentary rides. If you own 25% of the property you have 50 complimentary rides. Once the limit is reached, TMVOA charges $5.00 per trip to the owner.
How to Generate Guest Codes via the app
- Tap the More tab
- Tap My Profile
- Tap Manage Access Codes
- Under New Guest Code, type a nickname for the code such a Joe Airbnb
- Tap the Generate Guest Code button and you’ll see the code and nickname appear below in the Guest Codes section
- Unlimited Guest Codes can be created if you have many different renters over the course of a combined winter and summer season
- Disable a Guest Code at any time by tapping the Disable button next to the Guest Code